Our Team

Who We Are

Psygaia is an interdisciplinary psychedelic research, education, community and support organization founded upon reverence for nature’s wisdom and dedication to personal and collective healing and awakening through safe and intentional engagement with psychedelics.

Our courses and resources were created to address an urgent and global need for psychedelic literacy via accessible and holistic psychedelic education. Rooted in deep connection with and reverence for nature, our approach integrates insights from diverse traditions, both modern and ancestral, encompassing Western, Eastern and Indigenous perspectives.

AFTERGLOW began as a celebration of consciousness in the spirit of the ceremonies held by our human ancestors around the globe. Please follow AFTERGLOW on Instagram for updates or to attend the next gathering.

We advocate for the intentional and responsible use of psychedelics for individual and collective healing and awakening. We regard psychedelics as intrinsic to humanity’s biological health and pursuit of meaning, spirituality, and sense of interconnection to the living planet and cosmos.

Learn more about our mission.

Our Team

Louis Belleau — Founding Director

Louis discovered the spiritual, therapeutic and transformative potential of psychedelics while experimenting on his own when he was 17, which immediately led him to explore and then deeply study Buddhism, yoga, and Indigenous nature-based traditions with various teachers. He also graduated from McGill University with majors in Psychology, Philosophy and Comparative Religion. Guided by his belief that psychedelic experience is a basic human right with important biological functions for the human organism, culture and the entire planet, Louis seeks to increase psychedelic literacy and responsible use through accessible, holistic and reciprocal community, education and support services rooted in intercultural and interdisciplinary research. Louis believes the proper integration of psychedelics into industrial and globalized culture can lay foundations for a necessary and multigenerational process of healing and transformation. Louis contributed to the early development of Nectara and is currently working on the Psygaia hypothesis while studying psychedelics at the University of Ottawa. He also teaches trauma informed yoga, mindfulness and connected breathwork at drug rehabilitation centre. In his personal life, Louis loves trail running, backcountry skiing, writing and designing transformative retreat experiences.

Juliette Mohr — Culture & Ethics

Juliette Mohr is a woman of Filipina, Irish, and Portugese ancestry living in the East Bay Area, California. Juliette is a 2021 Graduate of the University of San Diego Ethnic Studies program, where she spent a year independently researching how colonialism impacts the natural world and the field of psychedelics. She has been professionally involved in the psychedelic space for 4 years, previously affiliated with SSDP, Intercollegiate Psychedelics Network (IPN), and MAPS PBC. She is currently the Training Manager at the Alma Institute non-profit psilocybin facilitator training program based out of Portland, OR and has co-written a book titled Whole Medicine: A Guide to Ethics & Harm Reduction in Psychedelic Therapy & Plant Medicine Communities. Juliette’s involvement in psychedelics is deeply guided by her advocacy for and commitment to harm reduction principles, trauma-informed care, building community resilience, reciprocity and accountability within the psychedelic space. In her personal life, she is a DJ, underground raver, wild food forager, and loves yoga and rock climbing.

Jack Bunce — Course Programming

Since 2020, Jack has been creating, facilitating, and learning in psychedelic and personal growth communities. His personal journey with psychedelics is deeply intertwined with his mental health. Over the past 5 years he has overcome an intense form of “pure-O” OCD, PTSD, and other forms of anxiety. Through his experiences with psychedelics and altered states of consciousness, Jack continues to learn about himself, the nature of the mind, and the immense power these medicines hold. Jack’s life mission is to use his ongoing inner work as a platform for serving others on their personal growth and healing journeys. Jack’s current focuses outside of HTUP are building community-oriented projects, serving others as a personal growth facilitator, and connecting with nature. He can be reached through his website.

Juan-Carlos Foust - Writing Contributor

Juan-Carlos is a lead volunteer in the Port Townsend Psychedelic Society, an ambassador for the Heroic Hearts Project, co-author of http://microdosingplants.com/, and a board member of http://reachwa.org/, a community-led initiative to decriminalize entheogens in Washington State. From 2019-2022 he helped accelerate the decarbonization of the global electrical grid by developing energy trading systems for sources of renewable power. Presently he builds tools to train microscopic organisms how to sustainably produce useful compounds without reliance on fossil fuels as feedstock. He is passionate about projects like HTUP that contribute towards the foundations of a more just and regenerative civilization.

Our Advisors

We are currently engaging people to join our advisory board. Our advisors will provide guidance on various subjects, such as (eco)psychology, (social) ecology, diversity, inclusivity, Indigenous tradition, epistemology, therapy, education, research, and more. Please contact us if interested in a potential advisory position.

Dr. Kwasi Adusei, DNP, PMHNP — Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse

Dr. Kwasi Adusei is a service-oriented, curious Ghanaian native passionate about the intersections of community, well-being, and technology. He has a vision for a future driven by inner and outer restoration and how they converge to alter the maladaptive systems of our current world. As an educator and community organizer, he is informed by his experience with the war on drugs and community mental health, both as a patient and a clinician. He is also a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner at Journey Clinical, co-founder of the Psychedelic Society of Western New York, and led the development of a grassroots psychedelic harm reduction organization called the Sanctuary Project. 

Jahan Khamsehzadeh, PhD — Integral Psychology, Psychedelic Therapy & the Mazatec Tradition

Jahan completed his dissertation on psychedelics in the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness program at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). His book, Psychedelic Revolution: Psilocybin Mushrooms, Human Evolution, and Psychotherapy is being published by North Atlantic Books, to be released Spring 2022. Jahan earned his Masters in Consciousness and Transformative Studies from John F. Kennedy University, and his Bachelors from the University of Arizona with a major in Philosophy and minors in Physics, Psychology, and Mathematics. He has also undergone several major multiyear trainings, including graduating from the Hakomi somatic-psychotherapy program and training within the Mazatec mushroom tradition. He assisted the Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy Certificate training at CIIS for two years, and mentors at the newly emerging School of Consciousness Medicine. He works as a facilitator for legal psilocybin mushrooms ceremonies in Jamaica with Atman Retreats and leads a monthly group called “Developing a Relationship with Sacred Mushrooms” with the San Francisco Psychedelic Society. Situating psychedelics within an ecological and evolutionary context is something he finds important that is largely left out of the public’s general understanding of psychedelics. You can learn more about Jahan and his work, and contact him via his website www.psychedelicevolution.org.

Katie Stone — Ecopsychology, Spirituality & Ritual

Katie Stone is a student organizer with the Intercollegiate Psychedelic Network (IPN) and a PhD Candidate at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) where she is exploring enthealogy, an emergent subfield at the intersection of psychedelics and women's spirituality. Her dissertation investigates the self-created ritual practices that arise outside of traditional lineages, specifically among Millennials who use drugs for personal, communal, and ecological transformation. With background in food justice, drug policy reform, ecopsychology, and community mental health, Katie seeks to bring a critical and spiritually grounded ecological worldview into her work. Her pedagogical approach is rooted in interspecies kinship, ancestral healing, and motherline recovery. Katie believes that altered states of consciousness are essential to personal transformation, but more importantly, that the integration of these experiences must be grounded in a communal context. She currently lives along the Allegheny Plateau of the Appalachian Mountains, where she’s building out an ecohospice and permaculture education center.

Sa’ed Al-Olimat (he / him) — Pharmacology & Harm Reduction

Dr. Sa’ed Al-Olimat, PharmD is a Taiwanese-Jordanian first generation American immigrant. He is a licensed pharmacist and educator of psychedelic therapeutics. He has worked with pharmaceutical companies, prescriber clinics, hospice and palliative care organizations, insurance groups, and other settings to enhance patient care. Dr. Sa’ed is a community-pharmacy manager and mental health advocate. His passion in advancing mental health outcomes lead him to investigating psilocybin and other classical psychedelic compounds as tools for mental, spiritual, and emotional support. Dr. Sa’ed serves as the Vice President of the Psychedelic Club of Pittsburgh, Co-Founder of the Psychedelic Pharmacists Association, and Founder of PsiloHealth. He believes in ending the war on drugs and establishing equitable entheogen regulatory frameworks to promote consumer safety, psychedelic integrity, ecological sustainability, sacred reciprocity, and healer inclusivity. If interested in contacting Dr. Sa’ed, please email him at dr.alolimat@gmail.com or connect with him via LinkedIn.

Do you not know that when you love someone, you love the whole of humankind? Do you not know how dangerous it is to love? Then, there is no barrier, no nationality; then, there is no craving for power and position, and things assume their values.

— Jiddu Krishnamurti

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